前幾天讀雜誌 講到一位優秀的年輕人去 國際知名的精品店應徵亞洲區主管.

論學歷 經歷 人脈 及 business sense  他都是最優秀的.

經過內部一次又一次的面試, 他終於在眾多後選人中被送去香港 for final interview

亞洲區的總裁很客氣的和他聊天 問他許多工作上的問題 也包括週末如何安排生活

最後 總裁跟他說很抱歉 我們無法錄用你  因為你沒有自己的 lifestyle.


我在想 又有多少人 能qualify他們的要求呢

今天如果是我 應該也是被刷下來的 "no lifestyle"族群.


What is a good lifestyle?  How do you define it?

Can one say they have a good lifestyle because they know the rich and famous and are always updated with what's new in town?


When I turn on TV, I like to switch to "travel & living" chanel, check out what's new.

They have the most interesting programs, showing you the 5 star hotels to stay in, the finest restaurants to dine in, and the world's best places to travel to.

So, does it mean that in order to have a "good lifestyle", you must have lots of $$$ to afford all the luxuries in life?

But, on the contrary, in order to get lots of $$$, don't you have to work your heart out to get enough rewards?

So, can I conclude that having a good lifestyle means having enough knowledge to enjoy work and leisure and finding the balance between the two? 


商業週刊說"你想要什麼樣的人生? 賺錢或事業成功? 做你喜歡做的事情, 做一個對社會有貢獻的人...? 

如果有一種方法 可以讓你同時擁抱上面三種人生, 你想知道嗎?"

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