
Boceli 006[2] 


之前看電視在廣告說Bocelli 要來台灣, 就想去聽. 但由於場地在台中州際棒球場舉行, 心理的念頭就這樣被放下.  直到好友提議一起去台中參加這場難得的演唱會, we thought we were pretty crazy after buying the tickets!  但後來新聞報出後才發現 售出約15000張門票中, 有五成以上是北部民眾購票。才發現原來 Bocelli的粉絲都是一樣的熱情.  也慶幸當初沒輕易的退縮.

Bocelli渾厚清純的嗓音 一出場就另人讚嘆不已. 一起演唱的女高音及男中音, 相形之下失色不少. 唯有客席演出的 Heather  Headley 感覺上搭配的了Bocelli歌聲. 兩人一起的演出 真的是震撼力十足.  現場的音樂與歌聲, 直接穿透於全身上下細胞. 加上精緻的燈光設計, 真的是一場完美的演出!  Bocelli雖然無法看到台灣民眾的熱情 但彷彿也感受到了. 嘴上的笑容一次比一次燦爛,  中場時用中文和大家說了謝謝並用英文向台灣的民眾問好.  演唱會結束後又送了我們四首安可曲!

在 Youtube上抓到這個 Heather Headley + Bocelli所演唱的 The Prayer.  讓大家一起感受其魅力.


P.S. Andrea was born with glaucoma and, despite many operations, his parents were told he would eventually lose his sight. This was accelerated by a blow to the eye with a football causing a haemorrhage resulting in the total loss of his sight when he was 12. Andrea does not regard his blindness as a handicap!  He graduated as a Doctor of Law and spet a year acting as a court-appointed lawyer, before embarking on a make-or-break attempt at singing.  He plays at least 6 musical instruments.  He also sails, scuba dives,water ski's, cycles, horse rides, ski's, roller blades, even parachutes!


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