I recently got in touch with an old friend. After updating each other, I felt really bad hearing his story.
Seems like he got betrayed by his business partner whom he really trusted. He worked day and night, even risked his own health, only to find that he was being used. On the other hand, his business partner did not contribute anything, but he is getting all the credit. I felt really bad for my friend, and the only thing I can help is to translate a letter to his foreign boss explaining the whole situation.
I certainly pray to God that his health condition will improve and that the whole situation will turn out to have a good ending.
I was talking to my boss today about the same issue too. When people are too greedy and seek after only their own best interest, they lose their morality very quickly. They can stab in the back of their old friends, relatives, and even family. They can betray their own believes and morals. They are self centered and selfish not to consider how their action may make other's life miserable. Maybe they will only realize what mistake they have made after they have lost everything.