老實說 在台北搭公車 常有 unpleasant experiences.
Most of the drivers are very impatient, they expect the passanger to get ready to get up or get off by the time they arrive at a bus station.
所以 像我有時候拿國外的習慣 等車子停好了
再從位置上起來 走向前 付錢 下車
就會讓很多司機不爽 甚至我的雙腳還沒落地
讓我在下一站 默默的走回頭
So, after many unpleasant experience, yesterday, 我終於和司機先生槓上了
It was raining hard outside, i had just finished shopping with lots to carry in addition to a big umbrella on my hand.
Since I forgot to bring my yo-yo card, i decided to get my changes ready before I get on the bus.
So, naturally, the other people who were riding the same bus got up first, and by the time i was ready and stepped my right feet on the bus, the bus driver closed the door at the same time.
腳被夾在門中間 first reaction is to scream.
The bus driver panic and he tried to open the door again.
So, the first thing he said to me was not, are you ok, or I am sorry,
he said, why did you suddenly come up to the bus....???
他開始碎碎唸 說前兩個人都上來了 and i was too slow
我突然衝上來 他沒有看到 blah, blah, blah...
我沒好氣的跟他說 你夾到我的腳 還那麼大聲
(again, I was expecting a simple "I am sorry" from him).
但是 他開始回答我說 我们的門邊緣都是橡膠做的
被夾到不會痛的 要不然如果是鐵做的 你現在根本就走不動
不知哪來的勇氣 我回了他一句
"是嗎 那你把你的腳放進去夾給我看阿"
他居然還跟我說 "好哇" .. and more explaination about how the door is safely tested.
moving around my right feet.. 真的不痛
maybe my white birkenstock sandle got dirty
但.....這不是痛不痛的問題阿 他是司機 他應該要確保乘客的安全呀
still..I just want to hear " I am sorry ", is it that hard for guys to apologize?
so, there were a few other passengers on the bus. One older lady was saying, oh, so it was the feet that got jammed, I thought it was an umbrealla." The guy that went up the bus before me decided to ease the tension, so he started saying "I am sorry I am too fat that I blocked you" in a very dramatic & ironic way. So, the whole thing is becoming like a big joke.
So, the bus driver finally turned back to me and apologize sincerely.
I replied to him, it is all right. I explained to him I was just trying to get my changes ready for the bus, that's why it took me some time. Taking the chance, I asked him to have more patience with the passengers next time.
Well, it was a short ride for me, so he apologized again and I politely told him it is all right before I got off.
I am not sure what they would be saying after I leave the bus, still, thinking back, I am proud of my own courage.
要當場潑婦罵街 還真的需要很多的勇氣......